Gentech Hp Bar

Again, thanks to Pastafarian for his help with the Monk HP bar, I changed it a bit to work with Gentech— Note, I did change the gentech HP Bar, added a second line, removed the CPC-Max, just look at the code for info, if you have any questions contact Sock or Karvec on 3k.

UPDATE JUNE 25 2012 Just realized I had never completed, uploaded the one I found in an old hpbar file… Hoping it helps.

Updated the hpbar for more information, using #split 0 4,

HP:$hp$ SP:$sp$ PU:$pu$ CPC:$cpc-now$ [G2N:$g2n-pct$%]E:$enemy$nl$EDNA:$edna$ EField:$efield$ GXP:$g2n$ RC:$rc$ H:$hypergen$($hypergent$)

Set it up for a two line bar, with GXP and RC, as well as GXP total per round, (both RC and regular GXP)— Shows EDNA and Efield as well on the second line.

#function {colscale}
        #switch {10 * %1 / %2}
                #case {0} {#return <119>};
                #case {1} {#return <119>};
                #case {2} {#return <119>};
                #case {3} {#return <139>};
                #case {4} {#return <139>};
                #case {5} {#return <139>};
                #case {6} {#return <139>};
                #case {7} {#return <169>};
                #case {8} {#return <169>};
                #case {9} {#return <169>};
                #default  {#return <129>}

#var hpbar_label <088>;
#var hpbar_points_full <129>;
#var hpbar_points_high <169>;
#var hpbar_points_med <139>;
#var hpbar_points_low <119>;

#act {HP:%1/%2 SP:%3/%4 PU:%5/%6(%7) CPC:%8 [G2N:%9%]E:%10}
    #var hpcolor @colscale{%1;%2};
    #var spcolor @colscale{%3;%4};
    #var pucolor @colscale{%5;%6};
    #var bakcolor @colscale{%7;600};
    #var cpccolor @colscale{%8;10000};
    #var gxpcolor @colscale{%9;100};
    #if {"$enemy" == "none"} {#var ecolor <119>;} {#var ecolor @colscale{%10;1};};

    #var hpcur %1;
    #var hpmax %2;
    #var spcur %3;
    #var spmax %4;
    #var pucur %5;
    #var pumax %6;
    #var bakup %7;
    #var cpcur %8;
    #var gxp %9;
    #var enemy %10;

#format {hpmsg} {%sHP:%s%+4s/%s%s} {$hpbar_label} {$hpcolor} {$hpcur} {$hpbar_points_full} {$hpmax};
#format {spmsg} {%sSP:%s%+3s/%s%s} {$hpbar_label} {$spcolor} {$spcur} {$hpbar_points_full} {$spmax};
#format {pumsg} {%sPU:%s%+3s/%s%s%s(%s%s%s)} {$hpbar_label} {$pucolor} {$pucur} {$hpbar_points_full} {$pumax} {$hpbar_label} {$bakcolor} {$bakup} {$hpbar_label};
#format {cpmsg} {%sCPC:%s%+4s} {$hpbar_label} {$cpccolor} {$cpcur};
#format {gxpmsg} {%s[G2:%s%+2s%s%]} {$hpbar_label} {$gxpcolor} {$gxp} {$hpbar_label};
#format {emsg} {%sE:%s%s} {$hpbar_label} {$ecolor} {$enemy};

#format {prompt1} {%s %s %s %s %s %s} {$hpmsg} {$spmsg} {$pumsg} {$cpmsg} {$gxpmsg} {$emsg};
#prompt {HP:%1/%2 SP:%3/%4 PU:%5/%6(%7) CPC:%8 [G2N:%9]E:%10} {${prompt1}} {3}


#act {EDNA:%1 %2 EField:%3 GXP:%4 RC:%5 H:%6(%7)}
    #var gxpnew %4;
    #var rcnew %5;
    #math {gxprnd} {($gxpnew + $rcnew) - ($gxpstate + $rcstate)};
    #var edstate %1;
    #var edtime %2;
    #var efstate %3;
    #var gxpstate %4;
    #var rcstate %5;
    #var hgen %6;
    #var hgent %7;

    #if {"$edtime" == "sec"} {#var edcolor <139>;} {#var edcolor <169>;}

#format {ednamsg} {%sEDNA:%s%s %s} {$hpbar_label} {$edcolor} {$edstate} {$edtime};
#format {efieldmsg} {%sEField:%s%s} {$hpbar_label} <169> {$efstate};
#format {gxpmsg} {%sGXP:%s%s} {$hpbar_label} <169> {$gxpstate};
#format {rcmsg} {%sRC:%s%s} {$hpbar_label} <169> {$rcstate};
#format {hgenmsg} {%sH:%s%s%s(%s%s%s)} {$hpbar_label} <169> {$hgen} {$hpbar_label} <169> {$hgent} {$hpbar_label};
#format {gxp2msg} {%sGXP/Rnd:%s%s%s} {$hpbar_label} <169> {$gxprnd} {$hpbar_label};

#format {prompt1} {%s %s %s %s %s %s %s} {$ednamsg} {$efieldmsg} {$gxpmsg} {$rcmsg} {$hgenmsg} {$gxp2msg};
#prompt {EDNA:%1 %2 EField:%3 GXP:%4 RC:%5 H:%6} {${prompt1}} {2}
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